It's funny, I haven't been making these posts for more than a week, and I already broke one of my self-imposed rules.
I had been typing these out on a laptop, y'know, trying to get the real 'Blog Experience' with every post. That idea got thrown out the window today when I started this post on my desktop, which is connected to a big ole TV.
I actually wrote Prince of Azra on this same TV and have written eleven chapters of The Sworn Defender on here as well. I've realized it helps keep me concentrated since I'm unable to have something playing in the background when my usual background device is the focus.
Anyway, I did end up watching Kung Fu Panda 3. Man, I love it, but that's not the topic for today's post.
Now that I've got a few posts in and I've established (more or less) my own sort of style, I'm going to be winding down the frequency of my entries. Today's post will be my last daily entry.
Starting next week, I'm only going to type these out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm also hoping to have a guest post once a week, but that might start the week after next rather than in a few days.
As far as more writerly posts, I feel a cool, and fun (for me anyway), direction to take would be random story prompts. I used to do the #vss365 on Twitter, and had a ton of fun with that. It became tedious when some of the daily words were incredibly specific regarding their meaning and usage, and I fell away from the practice.
However, a friend reminded me of the potential of such prompts (Credit: G. Onate), and I think I might follow that lead.
The idea is that I receive a random word or topic from a friend (or guest writer) and attempt to do something with it. Maybe a pitch or a short story (likely in the low character count.) I'll probably start this on Wednesday, because I plan to use Monday's blog post to transfer my short tweet 'stories' here. Give anyone interested a sample of the notion.
That's basically it for today. I caught up with Black Clover, so I'm sad. I am making a ton of progress on my story work, though, so there was probably a correlation between my productivity and watching TV for hours.
Who could have known?
Well, that's been me
The Ranger, now going to eat lunch