Hey !
So, it has definitely been a hot minute since I ventured to this blog, but it's because I have been hard at work... well, mostly.
I feel like I've been slacking off a bit in the last week or so, but I'd like to call that much deserved rest.
As of November 25th at around 3am, I finished writing The Sworn Defender.
Now, it's not done done; not yet.
When I finished writing Prince of Azra, I took maybe one day, and got to revising it immediately after, rushing to publish it two or three days later. This is not the way.
So, instead, I took a few days off, and started a "Version 2" document that I've been slowly reviewing and revising. The changes have been, I feel, vastly beneficial to, what I suppose is, the first draft of The Sworn Defender.
Beyond that, I've also entered the semi-last week of my online classes, as the actual last week is reserved by the professors for grading. Audiobook is also nearly complete and will *hopefully* be out before end-of-year.
I guess the whole point of this post is to say that my academic year is almost over, and The Sworn Defender will release soon. Once both of those are checked off, I'll have more time to continue updating this site, and maybe even get the Bestiary for The Sworn Defender section rolling.
Oh! And I've also got a YouTube channel ! As of now, it's mostly gaming, and mostly me swearing-- so if you don't like video games and would rather not lose respect for me: avoid it.
Otherwise, maybe pop over and see what you think. (Should be a link 'round the top right of this site).
Anyway, that's been me.
The Ranger.